14 November 2008

More online fun for Obama

It will be so sad when all the wacky hijinx come to a screeching halt when we start lambasting him for not pulling out of Iraq fast enough or the tools he floods the Oval Office with. But for now, let the love continue to manifest itself as such:


When you see an icey Frapuccino, do you think product placement for Starbucks or am I projecting?

Of course the Irish love Obama

(btw, the t shirt has nothing to do with the post - it's the video clip below that made me laugh. But I felt the need for some kind of image and am too lazy to take a screen shot from the video...)


The obsession continues. Here is my new favorite ode to Obama. I still don't think anything will compare to the song I heard in a taxi cab in Accra, Ghana over the summer. I don't even remember how it goes now, only that it was some lo fi Afro-beat rap in praise of Obama. It was the first time I got a sense of how beloved he is on every continent. I know, I sound like someone who drank the Kool Aid. I did. And it was delicious!

There's so many more (drunken) tributes I want to ad so watch this space!

Best. Ad. Ever.

Who's scared of a little beaver down under? Some Australians with no sense of humor tried to get this ad banned. But the beaver has staying power. Apparently it's been on the air for some time but only just making the interweb rounds here.


15 March 2008

Ken Lee!

Admitedly, I became mildly obsessed with this clip, in all the nicest of ways. Chutzpah! And then the ken Lee phenom gets a life of its own!